Creation Care

Sheldon Road Church is committed to do all we can to care for God’s Creation in our worship, lifestyle and engagement with our community.  We include this commitment in our church vision: Caring for the whole of God’s creation so that it thrives now and into future generations. We are part of A Rocha UK’s Eco Church programme, and we are currently working towards the Gold Award.

 Focus For March 2025
Living Lightly 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.
I'm only one person: I recently read the story of Rosa Parks, the African American lady who didn’t want to give up her seat on the bus.  It’s remarkable how she stuck to her guns, even though it meant being jailed. But the knock-on effect of her actions, as an ordinary person, was the eventual change in the laws of the land to bring justice.  This one person is like me, like you—what can we do for justice today? Just Act... Rosaparks
What If...?: Try a bit of dreaming - When you imagine a climate-friendly Chippenham, what do you see? Zero Chippenham want to gather your ideas, adding them to their Imagination Tree on the website:

There’s a box to type in your own idea to submit and help to grow the tree!
Dates for your diary

Saturday 17th May: Join Wiltshire Wildlife Trust at Monkton Park, Chippenham for their annual Country Comes to Town event.  Engage with the vital work of the Trust through interactive experiences, educational activities, fun for the kids, and the chance to chat to their friendly team. Discover how we can all create a sustainable future for wildlife and people!

There are a wide range of activities and attractions planned, including:
  • Wellness activities led by our Wellbeing team
  • Fun nature-themed arts and crafts
  • Meet the animals!
  • Opportunities to learn about local conservation efforts, such as Vincients Wood. With free entry on the day, why not come along for a fun and educational day out for all the family?
Saturday 3rd May: Our plant sale hits the streets of Audley and Sheldon once again! If you’re a planter of anything, could you consider planting up a few extra things, to be sold for funds for Creation Care and the church, please? 
Seasonal foods to look out for in March
- these foods are all at their best now!

Food in March