Sheldon Road Church believes in, and is committed to working with individuals and organisations within our own community, within the wider UK, and wherever else we can around the world to bring God’s hope, love and provision. This commitment takes different forms depending upon need and location. It may be actual work on the ground through one or more individuals associated with Sheldon Road church; it may be through financial giving [regular or one-off] via the church’s Twenty Percent Fund. And commitment through prayer!
We have both long-term commitment to some projects, whilst others we support in one-off ways. We have also encouraged in recent years different members from our church family in short-term missions abroad. Read below to see our involvement outside of the church building, but also have a look at out community involvement from inside the building.
SRMC Involvement [UK] |
Food Bank |
One or more individuals from SRMC have worked in the Chippenham & Calne Food Banks in recent years, and currently still are. More info.
Olive Branch Counselling |
Individuals volunteer at Olive Branch Counselling, a professional local counselling agency aiming to provide a safe, secure and confidential environment to address issues and concerns people may have.
Synergy Christian Trust |
Our own Trevor Ranger works through the Synergy Christian Trust as a youth worker primarily helping schools and churches through the Christian message.
Falcon Holidays |
Working under this national CPAS organisation various members of SRMC lead and support two weeks of camps each summer plus other events for young people. More information.
Christians Against Poverty |
SRMC supports CAP in working to release families within the locality from grinding poverty. Find out more about CAP locally.
Methodist Church Home Mission Fund |
SRMC supports this Home Missions Fund that in turn supports mission-orientated church projects throughout the UK.
Overseas Involvement |
Methodist Church World Mission Fund |
SRMC supports this World Missions Fund that in turn supports projects and individuals around the world.
World Horizons |
Phil & Jo Berry have long been mission partners with SRMC. They have worked in Spain for many years with which exists on behalf of places and people not yet prayed for, churches not yet planted and cross-cultural workers not yet sent. Phil leads the World Horizons team in Spain; Jo runs English classes for local people. |
SAT-7 UK |
Members of SRMC in recent years have volunteered with SAT-7 UK which supports the work of SAT-7 whose mission is to provide the churches and Christians of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ through inspirational, informative, and educational television services.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
SRMC supports the work of Russell and Katharine Norton who are working with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Nigeria. Russell leads the team at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria engaged in translating the Bible into the many different local languages, and Katharine runs the Faith And Farming programme - teaching and sharing with local farmers how to apply their faith to their farming practices. |
Christian Aid
SRMC supports the work of Christian Aid, through involvement in the Christian Aid appeals week, to ending poverty worldwide for all people, regardless of religion or race.
Tear Fund
SRMC has supported Tear Fund – a Christian charity that believes that everyone has a God-given potential to create change, and shows people around the world how to unlock these gifts, putting them to use to escape poverty.
All We Can |
SRMC has supported All We Can, an international development and emergency relief organisation that focuses on those in greatest need, inspired by Christian principles, and is an integral part of the Methodist family. |
The Leprosy Mission |
SRMC has supported the work of The Leprosy Mission - a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy. Watch 'The Unconditional Appeal' with Darcey Bussell. |