Sunday Talks

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If you missed a talk, or loved one so much you want to listen again, make yourself a nice cup of coffee, click on the link below and sit back and enjoy! The older talks are removed from time to time.  If you require one not listed then contact us and we may be able to retrieve a copy for you.

You may notice from the list below that between mid-March 2020 [when the first COVID-19 lockdown began] and August 2021, audio recordings of talks had ceased.  This is because they had been superseded firstly by video recordings of our Sunday Worship [the latest of which can be viewed here, or on our YouTube channel], and then more recently by our magazine style worship recording 'The Sunday Supplement' [again viewable via our YouTube channel, or here].

Note that all recordings available on this website can be accessed via our
Media Centre.

23/03/25 Lent 3: Swimming with crocodiles Rev Andrew Bird
16/03/25 Lent 2: Questioning God Rev David Gray
09/03/25 Lent 1: The Story of Jonah Rev Andrew Bird
02/03/25 The Transfiguration Geoff Floyd
23/02/25 Forgiveness Annette Foster
09/02/25 Believe in the One He Sent Rev Andrew Bird
26/01/25 God's Investment Rev Marcus Touchal
19/01/25 Positions of Prayer Trevor Durston
12/01/25 Extraordinary.....from the Ordinary Tom Wethers
05/01/25 The Valley of Dry Bones Rev Andrew Bird
29/12/24 When thing don't turn out as expected Rev Andrew Bird
22/12/24 Advent 4: The Gift of Love Paul Kassell
15/12/24 Advent 3: Joy to the World Rev Andrew Bird
08/12/24 Advent 2: Peace in the midst of turmoil Geoff Floyd
01/12/24 Advent 1: Waiting In Hope Rev David Gray
24/11/24 The Person & Work of Jesus as n the Book of Revelation Geoff Floyd
17/11/24 Scared, Worried, Relaxed? The Story of Gideon Rev Andrew Bird
03/11/24 Inviting Trust Mark Barrett
27/10/24 Living the way of Jesus - Transforming Power Rev Andrew Bird
13/10/24 Living the way of Jesus - Revealing Identity Rev Andrew Bird
06/10/24 Living the way of Jesus - Demonstrating Authority Ward Jones
29/09/24 Living the way of Jesus - Announcing Revolution Rev Andrew Bird
08/09/24 Breaking the sound barrier Trevor Durston
01/09/24 Taking the hand of Jesus Rev Andrew Bird
25/08/24 Press On Rev Andrew Bird
18/08/24 God's belief in us Tom Wethers
11/08/24 Changed from the inside out David Morrell
28/07/24 The Sword of the Spirit: the Word of God Rev Andrew Bird
21/07/24 The Helmet of Salvation Annette Foster
14/07/24 The Shield of Faith Rev Andrew Bird
07/07/24 A Time to Scatter Stones Phil Berry
30/06/24 Ready Feet - and the Gospel of Peace Geoff Floyd
23/06/24 The Breastplate of Righteousness Rev Andrew Bird
16/06/24 Belt up - until you can handle the truth Ian Bryon
09/06/24 God is strong - as He wants you to be Rev Andrew Bird
25/05/24 Everyone has faith - what is yours? Rev Andrew Bird
28/04/24 Here I am, Lord....send me! Rev Simon Dunn
21/04/24 Look up and remember who God is Rev Andrew Bird
14/04/24 Resurrection:  The Five Ps Geoff Lewis
07/04/24 The Resurrection Geoff Floyd
31/03/24 Easter Sunday - New life & New Community Rev Andrew Bird
24/03/24 Palm Sunday - Laying down Your coat for Jesus Rach Collins
17/03/24 Blessing Communities, Regions & Nations Rev David Gray
10/03/24 Blessing the person in front of you Rev Andrew Bird
03/03/24 Called to Bless Ian Byron
25/02/24 Being Blessed Rev Andrew Bird
18/02/24 The God who Blesses Tom Wethers
04/02/24 Boldness in Prayer Rev Andrew Bird
28/01/24 Power vs Authority Annette Foster
21/01/24 Lord...teach us to pray Rev Andrew Bird
14/01/24 The Goodness of God Dan Izzett
07/01/24 A Covenant with God Geoff Floyd
31/12/23 God's Gift of Love Trevor Durston
24/12/23 Advent 4: The Shepherds Faith Rev Andrew Bird
17/12/23 Advent 3: Jesus - A Candle of Hope David Morrell
10/12/23 Advent 2: A light has dawned Rev Andrew Bird
03/12/23     Advent 1: The Coming King Prophesied Trevor Ranger
26/11/23 Life & hope in the storm Rev Andrew Bird
19/11/23 Identity in Christ James Raynor
12/11/23 Confident in community Rev Andrew Bird
05/11/23 Confident in witness Eddie Larkman
29/10/23 Confident in relationships Tom Wethers
22/10/23 Confident in the world Rev Andrew Bird
15/10/23 CAP: focus on caring for those in need Geoff Floyd
08/10/23 Confident In Identity Rev Andrew Bird
01/10/23 Confident in the gospel Ian Byron
24/09/23 Harvest....being thankful Trevor Ranger
17/09/23 Living on the front line with Jesus Rev Andrew Bird
10/09/23 A god of Mission, Compassion, and All Nations Trevor Ranger
03/09/23     What aroma do you radiate? Rev Andrew Bird
27/08/23 What Jesus journey are you on? Rev Andrew Bird
20/08/23     A problem story Geoff Floyd
06/08/23 Jesus mends a broken world Trevor Ranger
30/07/23 The Kingdom Grows Stephen Skinner
16/07/23     The parable of the sower Ian Byron
09/07/23     What's it like to be connected to Jesus? Rev Andrew Bird
02/07/23 The Theology of Welcome Annette Foster
18/06/23 Where is the joy in all this? Frazer Welch
11/06/23 What to do when God grabs your attention Rev Andrew Bird
04/06/23 Life with the Trinity Pam Stranks
28/05/23 Pentecost Rev Andrew Bird
21/05/23 The Ascension Trevor Ranger
14/05/23 Jesus Is Risen: Appearing on the sea of Galilee Rev Andrew Bird
07/05/23 Jesus Is Risen:  Jesus meets Thomas David Stranks
30/04/23 A time of celebration Rev Andrew Bird
09/04/23 Easter Day:  Friday has is Sunday! Rev Andrew Bird
02/04/23 Purpose Driven Life: You were made for a mission Rev David Gray
26/03/23 Purpose Driven Life: You were shaped to serve God Rev Andrew Bird
19/03/23 Purpose Driven Life: You were created to become like Christ Geoff Floyd
05/03/23 Purpose Driven Life: You were planned for God's pleasure Trevor Durston
26/02/23 Purpose Driven Life:  Love your calling Rev Andrew Bird
05/02/23 Meals with Jesus:  Mary & Martha Trevor Ranger
29/01/23 Meals with Jesus: Jesus feeds a great crowd Rev Andrew Bird
22/01/23 Meals with Jesus:  With Simon the Pharisee Eddie Larkman
15/01/23 Meals with Jesus:  Levi throws a party David Stranks
08/01/23 God's plan for your life - through the cloth Rev Andrew Bird
01/01/23 Hopes & dreams - a new creation Trevor Durston
25/12/22 The power of healing Rev Andrew Bird
11/12/22 As it was for it is for you and me Rev Andrew Bird
04/12/22 The power of love Tom Wethers
27/11/22 Confidence & courage in the story of Christmas Rev Andrew Bird
13/11/22 Jesus followers are peacemakers Rev Andrew Bird
06/11/22 Walking with Others David Stranks
30/10/22 Hope - 'Waiting with confidence' Rev David Gray
23/10/22 Holiness - living it out Rev Andrew Bird
16/10/22 Attachment To Jesus Rev Andrew Bird
02/10/22 Pass it on     Geoff Floyd
11/09/22 Being involved in God's business Paul Kalbskopf
04/09/22 Getting God's thinking on children Rev Andrew Bird
28/08/22 Humility Geoff Lewis
21/08/22 Regarding the Sabbath........ Stephen Roe
14/08/22 Refilling and refreshment in Jesus Rev Andrew Bird
07/08/22 Jesus, my treasure Annette Foster
31/07/22 Why is God so amazing? Trevor Ranger
24/07/22 Easter all year round Tim Woodward
17/07/22 Casting Vision Rev Andrew Bird
10/07/22 Why are you a Christian? Rob Simpkins
03/07/22     How much worth are you to God? Rev Andrew Bird
26/06/22 Climate Sunday Rev Dr Mike Perry
19/06/22 God, our Father Richard Addicott
12/06/22 Connecting people with Jesus Rev Andrew Bird
05/06/22 What are kings & queens like? David Stranks
29/05/22 Ascension: You can get to know Jesus better than the apostles originally did! Rev Andrew Bird
15/05/22 Conversion Rev Geoff Floyd
08/05/22 Your world changes when Jesus says to you "Peace be with you"! Rev Andrew Bird
24/04/22 Low [or Humour] Sunday Pam Stranks
17/04/22 Easter - the Resurrection Rev Andrew Bird
10/04/22 Worship - focuses our wavering hearts Paul Kalbskopf
03/04/22 Worship - through story telling Bob Hartman
27/03/22 How worship inspires our everyday speech Rev Andrew Bird
20/03/22     Whole life worship - Part 3 David Stranks
13/03/22 Whole life worship - Part 2 Trevor Durston
06/03/22 Where is our wonder and how do we get some more? Rev Andrew Bird
20/02/22 What matters:  what you say or what you do? David Stranks
13/02/22 Rules of basic living Rev David Gray
06/02/22     Christians Against Poverty Andy Cordle
30/01/22 Ears that hear Rev Todd Nightingale
23/01/22 Fruitful well-being into the new year Rev Andrew Bird
16/01/22 The Lost Sheep Trevor Ranger
09/01/22 Encouragement for journeys into 2022     Rev Andrew Bird
02/01/22 Understanding God through creation Rev Mark Barrett
19/12/21 Advent: Awe-struck Anticipation Stephen Cooper
12/12/21 Advent: Hope-filled Expectation Richard Addicott
28/11/21 Advent: Holy Suspense Eric Hewitt
21/11/21 How would you feel if God said to you...? Rev Andrew Bird
14/11/21 The Ultimate Sacrifice Paul Kalbskopf
07/11/21 Whatever the challenge, remember that God is great and awesome Rev Andrew Bird
31/10/21 Back to basics Rev Geoff Floyd
24/10/21 God has got this! Rev Andrew Bird
17/10/21 This is how we fight out battles Trevor Ranger
10/10/21 How do we rebuild for a better future? Rev Andrew Bird
03/10/21 Welcoming & Receiving Annette Foster
26/09/21 God will use for 'OUCH' for good - if you let him Rev Andrew Bird
19/09/21 Climate Change: Who Cares? Richard Addicott
12/09/21 The Road To Emmaus Rev David Gray
15/03/20 Which Road Rev David Miller
08/03/20 Commitment Rev Ward Jones
01/03/20 Famous Lines Rev David Miller
01/03/20 Temptation Geoff Lewis
23/02/20 Potters Wheel Richard Addicott
23/02/20 The Love God Has For Us Alero Malin
16/02/20 Service Rev David Miller
16/02/20 Gifts Rev David Miller
09/02/20 Message in a bottle Rev David Miller
02/02/20 Prayer (talk) Rev David Gray & Deacon Shirley Mackintosh
02/02/20 Falcon Rev Dr. Dick Venn