News For June 2024

[A full copy of the newsletter can be downloaded here]

“God has done it all!  He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us, and he has given us the work of making peace between himself and others.”
2 Corinthians 5: 18 CEV

For the diary
Sunday June 2nd – SAT-7 Mission Service
This will be led by Tracey and Richard Giles from SAT 7.  At the end of the service there will be a retiring collection for the work of SAT 7.
Sunday June 2nd – Picnic in the Park
After church on Sunday morning there will be a picnic in John Coles Park.  Note that this will occur monthly through to September 1st.
Sunday June 9th – Messy Church
This month Messy Church is looking at Peter's Discipleship - Follower of Jesus.  Please pray for this ministry - those leading and assisting and the people who attend.  We currently average around 60-70 people at each MC.
Saturday 6th July 11am – 3pm - Manna Youth Group Reunion
A reunion of those who were part of the Manna Youth group led by Diana and Peter Watts is taking place at SRMC, Saturday 6th July 2024 11am – 3.00pm . Partners welcome.  Coffee and tea will be available throughout the day. A light lunch will be served. Donations towards the costs appreciated on the day.  Please bring photos to share, but if you can scan and send them beforehand, we can put together a montage to watch on the big screen.  If you are unable to attend but would like to send a message with some memories, we would love to hear from you.  We would love to see you again and share some amazing memories. If you are able to attend, please contact us by Saturday 22nd June.
30th July – 2nd August Holiday Club
See the Holiday Club page for news & registration forms for this year’s Holiday Club ‘Deep Sea Divers’ led by Trevor Ranger & members of Sheldon Road Church. 
Also, it's time to start collecting your newspapers for the Holiday Club.  Please give them to Caroline Lay or Mandy Bovett. Thanks so much, we need lots this year!
Saturday 30th November – Community Arts & Crafts Fair
Although this feels a long way off we need to kick off the organising.  If you would like a table either for your business (£20) or to sell something to raise funds for church (free) please contact us. Send a message with what you are selling, if for a business or for church, and your email address. 
If you have a skill that we could utilise for a craft on the day please let Tammy know if you would be willing to host a craft and what it would be. It will then be taken to committee and we can work out what will work best at the Community Art and Craft Fair.  Thank you together we can make an amazing day again.  Thank You.
25th January 2025 7.30pm – An Evening with Paul Kerensa
After the success of his visit to Sheldon Road Church in December, Paul has been booked to return for another show in January 2025.  Further details later in the year.