02/03/25 |
The Transfiguration |
Geoff Floyd |
23/02/25 |
Forgiveness |
Annette Foster |
09/02/25 |
Believe in the One He Sent |
Rev Andrew Bird |
26/01/25 |
God's Investment |
Rev Marcus Touchal |
19/01/25 |
Positions of Prayer |
Trevor Durston |
12/01/25 |
Extraordinary.....from the Ordinary |
Tom Wethers |
05/01/25 |
The Valley of Dry Bones |
Rev Andrew Bird |
29/12/24 |
When thing don't turn out as expected |
Rev Andrew Bird |
22/12/24 |
Advent 4: The Gift of Love |
Paul Kassell |
15/12/24 |
Advent 3: Joy to the World |
Rev Andrew Bird |
08/12/24 |
Advent 2: Peace in the midst of turmoil |
Geoff Floyd |
01/12/24 |
Advent 1: Waiting In Hope |
Rev David Gray |
24/11/24 |
The Person & Work of Jesus as n the Book of Revelation |
Geoff Floyd |
17/11/24 |
Scared, Worried, Relaxed? The Story of Gideon |
Rev Andrew Bird |
03/11/24 |
Inviting Trust |
Mark Barrett |
27/10/24 |
Living the way of Jesus - Transforming Power |
Rev Andrew Bird |
13/10/24 |
Living the way of Jesus - Revealing Identity |
Rev Andrew Bird |
06/10/24 |
Living the way of Jesus - Demonstrating Authority |
Ward Jones |
29/09/24 |
Living the way of Jesus - Announcing Revolution |
Rev Andrew Bird |
08/09/24 |
Breaking the sound barrier |
Trevor Durston |
01/09/24 |
Taking the hand of Jesus |
Rev Andrew Bird |
25/08/24 |
Press On |
Rev Andrew Bird |
18/08/24 |
God's belief in us |
Tom Wethers |
11/08/24 |
Changed from the inside out |
David Morrell |
28/07/24 |
The Sword of the Spirit: the Word of God |
Rev Andrew Bird |
21/07/24 |
The Helmet of Salvation |
Annette Foster |
14/07/24 |
The Shield of Faith |
Rev Andrew Bird |
07/07/24 |
A Time to Scatter Stones |
Phil Berry |
30/06/24 |
Ready Feet - and the Gospel of Peace |
Geoff Floyd |
23/06/24 |
The Breastplate of Righteousness |
Rev Andrew Bird |
16/06/24 |
Belt up - until you can handle the truth |
Ian Bryon |
09/06/24 |
God is strong - as He wants you to be |
Rev Andrew Bird |
25/05/24 |
Everyone has faith - what is yours? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
28/04/24 |
Here I am, Lord....send me! |
Rev Simon Dunn |
21/04/24 |
Look up and remember who God is |
Rev Andrew Bird |
14/04/24 |
Resurrection: The Five Ps |
Geoff Lewis |
07/04/24 |
The Resurrection |
Geoff Floyd |
31/03/24 |
Easter Sunday - New life & New Community |
Rev Andrew Bird |
24/03/24 |
Palm Sunday - Laying down Your coat for Jesus |
Rach Collins |
17/03/24 |
Blessing Communities, Regions & Nations |
Rev David Gray |
10/03/24 |
Blessing the person in front of you |
Rev Andrew Bird |
03/03/24 |
Called to Bless |
Ian Byron |
25/02/24 |
Being Blessed |
Rev Andrew Bird |
18/02/24 |
The God who Blesses |
Tom Wethers |
04/02/24 |
Boldness in Prayer |
Rev Andrew Bird |
28/01/24 |
Power vs Authority |
Annette Foster |
21/01/24 |
Lord...teach us to pray |
Rev Andrew Bird |
14/01/24 |
The Goodness of God |
Dan Izzett |
07/01/24 |
A Covenant with God |
Geoff Floyd |
31/12/23 |
God's Gift of Love |
Trevor Durston |
24/12/23 |
Advent 4: The Shepherds Faith |
Rev Andrew Bird |
17/12/23 |
Advent 3: Jesus - A Candle of Hope |
David Morrell |
10/12/23 |
Advent 2: A light has dawned |
Rev Andrew Bird |
03/12/23 |
Advent 1: The Coming King Prophesied |
Trevor Ranger |
26/11/23 |
Life & hope in the storm |
Rev Andrew Bird |
19/11/23 |
Identity in Christ |
James Raynor |
12/11/23 |
Confident in community |
Rev Andrew Bird |
05/11/23 |
Confident in witness |
Eddie Larkman |
29/10/23 |
Confident in relationships |
Tom Wethers |
22/10/23 |
Confident in the world |
Rev Andrew Bird |
15/10/23 |
CAP: focus on caring for those in need |
Geoff Floyd |
08/10/23 |
Confident In Identity |
Rev Andrew Bird |
01/10/23 |
Confident in the gospel |
Ian Byron |
24/09/23 |
Harvest....being thankful |
Trevor Ranger |
17/09/23 |
Living on the front line with Jesus |
Rev Andrew Bird |
10/09/23 |
A god of Mission, Compassion, and All Nations |
Trevor Ranger |
03/09/23 |
What aroma do you radiate? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
27/08/23 |
What Jesus journey are you on? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
20/08/23 |
A problem story |
Geoff Floyd |
06/08/23 |
Jesus mends a broken world |
Trevor Ranger |
30/07/23 |
The Kingdom Grows |
Stephen Skinner |
16/07/23 |
The parable of the sower |
Ian Byron |
09/07/23 |
What's it like to be connected to Jesus? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
02/07/23 |
The Theology of Welcome |
Annette Foster |
18/06/23 |
Where is the joy in all this? |
Frazer Welch |
11/06/23 |
What to do when God grabs your attention |
Rev Andrew Bird |
04/06/23 |
Life with the Trinity |
Pam Stranks |
28/05/23 |
Pentecost |
Rev Andrew Bird |
21/05/23 |
The Ascension |
Trevor Ranger |
14/05/23 |
Jesus Is Risen: Appearing on the sea of Galilee |
Rev Andrew Bird |
07/05/23 |
Jesus Is Risen: Jesus meets Thomas |
David Stranks |
30/04/23 |
A time of celebration |
Rev Andrew Bird |
09/04/23 |
Easter Day: Friday has gone...today is Sunday! |
Rev Andrew Bird |
02/04/23 |
Purpose Driven Life: You were made for a mission |
Rev David Gray |
26/03/23 |
Purpose Driven Life: You were shaped to serve God |
Rev Andrew Bird |
19/03/23 |
Purpose Driven Life: You were created to become like Christ |
Geoff Floyd |
05/03/23 |
Purpose Driven Life: You were planned for God's pleasure |
Trevor Durston |
26/02/23 |
Purpose Driven Life: Love your calling |
Rev Andrew Bird |
05/02/23 |
Meals with Jesus: Mary & Martha |
Trevor Ranger |
29/01/23 |
Meals with Jesus: Jesus feeds a great crowd |
Rev Andrew Bird |
22/01/23 |
Meals with Jesus: With Simon the Pharisee |
Eddie Larkman |
15/01/23 |
Meals with Jesus: Levi throws a party |
David Stranks |
08/01/23 |
God's plan for your life - through the cloth |
Rev Andrew Bird |
01/01/23 |
Hopes & dreams - a new creation |
Trevor Durston |
25/12/22 |
The power of healing |
Rev Andrew Bird |
11/12/22 |
As it was for Zechariah........so it is for you and me |
Rev Andrew Bird |
04/12/22 |
The power of love |
Tom Wethers |
27/11/22 |
Confidence & courage in the story of Christmas |
Rev Andrew Bird |
13/11/22 |
Jesus followers are peacemakers |
Rev Andrew Bird |
06/11/22 |
Walking with Others |
David Stranks |
30/10/22 |
Hope - 'Waiting with confidence' |
Rev David Gray |
23/10/22 |
Holiness - living it out |
Rev Andrew Bird |
16/10/22 |
Attachment To Jesus |
Rev Andrew Bird |
02/10/22 |
Pass it on |
Geoff Floyd |
11/09/22 |
Being involved in God's business |
Paul Kalbskopf |
04/09/22 |
Getting God's thinking on children |
Rev Andrew Bird |
28/08/22 |
Humility |
Geoff Lewis |
21/08/22 |
Regarding the Sabbath........ |
Stephen Roe |
14/08/22 |
Refilling and refreshment in Jesus |
Rev Andrew Bird |
07/08/22 |
Jesus, my treasure |
Annette Foster |
31/07/22 |
Why is God so amazing? |
Trevor Ranger |
24/07/22 |
Easter all year round |
Tim Woodward |
17/07/22 |
Casting Vision |
Rev Andrew Bird |
10/07/22 |
Why are you a Christian? |
Rob Simpkins |
03/07/22 |
How much worth are you to God? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
26/06/22 |
Climate Sunday |
Rev Dr Mike Perry |
19/06/22 |
God, our Father |
Richard Addicott |
12/06/22 |
Connecting people with Jesus |
Rev Andrew Bird |
05/06/22 |
What are kings & queens like? |
David Stranks |
29/05/22 |
Ascension: You can get to know Jesus better than the apostles originally did! |
Rev Andrew Bird |
15/05/22 |
Conversion |
Rev Geoff Floyd |
08/05/22 |
Your world changes when Jesus says to you "Peace be with you"! |
Rev Andrew Bird |
24/04/22 |
Low [or Humour] Sunday |
Pam Stranks |
17/04/22 |
Easter - the Resurrection |
Rev Andrew Bird |
10/04/22 |
Worship - focuses our wavering hearts |
Paul Kalbskopf |
03/04/22 |
Worship - through story telling |
Bob Hartman |
27/03/22 |
How worship inspires our everyday speech |
Rev Andrew Bird |
20/03/22 |
Whole life worship - Part 3 |
David Stranks |
13/03/22 |
Whole life worship - Part 2 |
Trevor Durston |
06/03/22 |
Where is our wonder and how do we get some more? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
20/02/22 |
What matters: what you say or what you do? |
David Stranks |
13/02/22 |
Rules of basic living |
Rev David Gray |
06/02/22 |
Christians Against Poverty |
Andy Cordle |
30/01/22 |
Ears that hear |
Rev Todd Nightingale |
23/01/22 |
Fruitful well-being into the new year |
Rev Andrew Bird |
16/01/22 |
The Lost Sheep |
Trevor Ranger |
09/01/22 |
Encouragement for journeys into 2022 |
Rev Andrew Bird |
02/01/22 |
Understanding God through creation |
Rev Mark Barrett |
19/12/21 |
Advent: Awe-struck Anticipation |
Stephen Cooper |
12/12/21 |
Advent: Hope-filled Expectation |
Richard Addicott |
28/11/21 |
Advent: Holy Suspense |
Eric Hewitt |
21/11/21 |
How would you feel if God said to you...? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
14/11/21 |
The Ultimate Sacrifice |
Paul Kalbskopf |
07/11/21 |
Whatever the challenge, remember that God is great and awesome |
Rev Andrew Bird |
31/10/21 |
Back to basics |
Rev Geoff Floyd |
24/10/21 |
God has got this! |
Rev Andrew Bird |
17/10/21 |
This is how we fight out battles |
Trevor Ranger |
10/10/21 |
How do we rebuild for a better future? |
Rev Andrew Bird |
03/10/21 |
Welcoming & Receiving |
Annette Foster |
26/09/21 |
God will use for 'OUCH' for good - if you let him |
Rev Andrew Bird |
19/09/21 |
Climate Change: Who Cares? |
Richard Addicott |
12/09/21 |
The Road To Emmaus |
Rev David Gray |