2nd March
10.30am |
Geoff Floyd
Luke 9: 28-36
The transfiguration |
After a time of worship altogether, the children will have their groups separately. Creche provided. |
9th March
10.30am |
Andrew Bird
Lent 1 |
The whole church family meet together for worship. Creche provided. |
9th March
4-6pm |
Messy Church
An attitude of gratitude |
Our Messy Church service is a relaxed time of singing, stories, craft and a meal for ALL ages. |
16th March
10.30am |
David Gray
Lent 2 |
After a time of worship altogether, the children will have their groups separately. The service will include communion. |
23rd March
10.30am |
Andrew Bird
Lent 3
Luke 13 v 1-9 |
A Church with Choices service, where following a time of worship, we engage with the theme in various creative ways. |
30th March
10.30am |
Pam Stranks
Mothering Sunday |
After a time of worship altogether, the children will have their groups separately. Creche provided.